I haven't been getting enough sleep lately & I was pretty darn tired tonight. It sort of caught up with me. I can't seem to sleep more than 3 - 4 hours before I wake back up. I have so much work to do & it's hard to keep up with my workload that I have imposed upon  myself. Such is life I suppose. I will complete my mission, though. For that is my ultimate goal & my main purpose in life. I love music & the Arts so much & creating music is something that I could never stop doing for anything in the world. The problem is that I create so much music that it leaves me little time for anything else & if I do start to slack on my music, the workload quickly piles up beyond measure. Oh, well - what am I complaining about. I love what I am doing with all my heart & I am grateful to the Universe for allowing me to do it. 

I finished the main vocals for my new song "TWILIGHT OF THE IDOLS" last night. I am pretty pleased with the results. Next, I need to mix down the trax & bounce it all over to the D1600 so I can add some more synth bits & maybe some movie samples, too. Probably add some extra vocals on top, too, although the vocals I did already are quite spooky & intense & dense, so I don't actually need any more - but will experiment & see what I think, of course. I am using my ZOOM 1266 for my new trax & then bouncing to my D1600 to add more trax. I love the way the 1266 has the USB port so that I can shuttle my main trax right into the ZOOM 1226 in a matter of seconds. Technology like this is amazing. Sure beats my early analog days when I was working on crude machines like my humble Fostex X-15 before moving up to my Fostex R-8 for recording. But I can stil remember how excited I was to get those machines back in the day. I stil have a deep love & reverence for all my music gear & recording devices. They are like my family to me. I love all my equipment very much & I love to work together with my gear to create the music that is inside my head & also my spirit & my soul. 

Like when I am programming drum beats - I feel so at one with the machine. I can write my beats so quickly after all these years. I'd say the 1266 is my favorite drum machine now, as the power of that unit is unheard of in my opinion. That's why I selected it over the 1608, since the drum aspects of the 1266 are far superior to the 1608, despite the 1608 being better for multi-track functionality. Plus with the 1266 I can program & save literally thousands of beats & hundreds of songs in the memory & save so many custom drum sets that I have tweaked myself. Try that with a Roland or Boss or Korg or Alesis. But I still love my other units as well. Each with its own unique sound & abilities.

Anyway, last night I was looking around for some old masters to post onto you tube & I found another cache of my music I had forgotten about - mainly basic stereo trax mixed down to waves. But I cherry picked thru them & came up with another 120+ trax that I can finish up over the summer. There was some pretty cool stuff in there. Mostly Industrial & Futuristic Electronic stuff. I know - its all I needed was to find more music that needs completed, right? Lets see - I have over 400+ trax completed now. Plus the original 250-300 Lo-Fi trax I did when I started. Then I guess there something 2000+ trax "in progress", plus way more when counting my DAT reserves.... I'd like to get at least 100 or more trax done by Fall. No wonder I get so stressed & tired all the time. Its quite a lot of work. But - I do it because I love it. And there is no better reason to do anything, in my humble opinion at least.

So, I will finish up the VORTEX OF DOOM "TWILIGHT OF THE IDOLS" song asap & then post it on you tube and last fm. Probably Friday or Saturday night, I'm estimating. OK, time to get back to work now... This music isn't going to create itself...
7/18/2011 12:12:00 pm

It's amazing how much time us musicians are willing to dedicate to writing, recording and other related things without realizing it. Now, all we need to achieve is to have our spouses understand and sympathise with us. LOL!


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